Care, Complexity and Compassion — What Our Patients Need You to Understand
For many years, medicinal cannabis has been studied by scientists and researchers striving to understand the healing properties that come from its high cannabidiol (CBD) content and high levels of medical terpenes and flavonoids. Results have, in turn, empowered health care providers, patients and a supportive community to gradually accept the positive effects of medical cannabis and the level of mental, physical and emotional healing capabilities it encompasses. The treatable conditions within the growing purvue of medical cannabis are complex and range from nausea and chronic pain to anxiety and neuropathic pain. Studies have shown that participants provided with cannabis products in various forms showed a decrease in pain and an increase in quality of life- the focus and hope of all patients and their support networks. In large part, studies and medical research have contributed to a gradual acceptance of medical cannabis in the perspectives of our collective…